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Fact sheet

Chaser Pay

Fast, simple, secure payments from your customers with Chaser pay

Research shows by providing a greater range of payment options to cater to customers’ needs, you can improve your chances of receiving payment sooner (Yonyx), and reduce late payments

Typically, receiving payment from customers can involve time-consuming phone calls to confirm bank details, waiting days for bank transfers to arrive, and manually following up. But with Chaser Pay, businesses can eliminate these manual tasks
and significantly reduce their time spent on payment admin.

With Chaser Pay, you can easily request and collect payments from your customers directly within Chaser while giving your customers a range of fast and secure options for payment.

Download this fact sheet to see how Chaser Pay will help make your job easier. 

What Chaser Pay does
Benefits of Chaser Pay
Key capabilities
How to use Chaser Pay in your receivables process
User testimonials
Download your fact sheet