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40 politely-worded templates to get invoices paid

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Topic: Credit control & accounts receivables (5)

6 call scripts to get invoices paid over the phone | Chaser

6 call scripts to get invoices paid over the phone | Chaser

Countless problems plague small-medium businesses, but few are more potentially damaging to businesses' cash...

Will your customers pay you on time? Find out with Chaser’s late payment predictor

Will your customers pay you on time? Find out with Chaser’s late payment predictor

Late payments are an ongoing problem that spans history. They have become more prevalent in today's economy,...

Who is a debtor and who is a creditor? | Chaser

Who is a debtor and who is a creditor? | Chaser

To better your company's financial standing, you must develop a strong understanding of accounting...

Payee vs Payer | What's the difference? | Chaser

Payee vs Payer | What's the difference? | Chaser

For a financial transaction to be complete, there have to be at least two parties involved. One party...

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) | Definition, calculation & importance | Chaser

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) | Definition, calculation & importance | Chaser

In the world of business, it's essential to know where your company is at financially.One metric you may come...

Bad debt expense formula | Definition & Calculation

Bad debt expense formula | Definition & Calculation

Did you know that the average amount of bad debt amongst UK SMEs has risen by a staggering 61% in the last...

Free cash flow formula | Definition and calculation | Chaser

Free cash flow formula | Definition and calculation | Chaser

Free cash flow, often abbreviated to FCF, measures the amount of cash a company generates in any given period.

What is bank reconciliation? Definition, examples, and process | Chaser

What is bank reconciliation? Definition, examples, and process | Chaser

Bank reconciliation is the process of comparing your company’s bank statements to your own records, ensuring...

Is accounts receivable an asset or liability? | Chaser

Is accounts receivable an asset or liability? | Chaser

When it comes to the financial stability of a business, several key concepts must be understood. Knowing the...

5 overdue invoice payment reminder email templates | Chaser

5 overdue invoice payment reminder email templates | Chaser

Overdue payments can cause challenges for businesses and deeply affect any business’s cash flow. If your...

How to use promised payment dates

How to use promised payment dates

The current late payment crisis has significantly impacted businesses of all sizes, reducing cash flow and...

What is discounted cash flow? Formula & Calculation | Chaser

What is discounted cash flow? Formula & Calculation | Chaser

Discounted cash flow (DCF) is a valuation method used to estimate a company's or investment's intrinsic value...


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