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40 politely-worded templates to get invoices paid

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Topic: Credit control & accounts receivables (4)

Managing seasonal fluctuations in your cash flow

Managing seasonal fluctuations in your cash flow

Seasonal fluctuations in cash flow are a normal part of business, caused by variations in demand, increased...

What is trade receivable? | Definition and importance | Chaser

What is trade receivable? | Definition and importance | Chaser

Trade receivables is a term used to describe the amount of money owed by one company to another. It is the...

The role of technology in accounts receivable: Trends, tools, and Chaser

The role of technology in accounts receivable: Trends, tools, and Chaser

The ongoing late payment crisis is one of the largest and most prevalent threats to any modern business....

What is the best invoice wording for immediate payment? | Chaser

What is the best invoice wording for immediate payment? | Chaser

Building customer relations takes time, no small amount of effort, and consistently excellent products and...

When and how to ask for partial payments on invoices | Chaser

When and how to ask for partial payments on invoices | Chaser

According to a recent study from Barclays, 57% of SMEs are “currently waiting on money which is tied up in...

8 credit control strategies that will boost your cash flow

8 credit control strategies that will boost your cash flow

Are you looking for effective but simple-to-implement credit control strategies to help you boost cash flow?...

10 tips to draft an accounts receivable policy for a small business | Chaser

10 tips to draft an accounts receivable policy for a small business | Chaser

If you're running a small business but spend every month stressing about your cash flow, then it's probably...

Accounts receivable collection period | Definition, calculation & example | Chaser

Accounts receivable collection period | Definition, calculation & example | Chaser

Most businesses rely on cash flow they have yet to receive from customers who have purchased their goods and...

Reach customers when they're most likely to pay: recommended chasing times

Reach customers when they're most likely to pay: recommended chasing times

Did you know that 50% of businesses spend more than four hours per week on accounts receivables tasks? This...

Net cash flow | Definition and calculation | Chaser

Net cash flow | Definition and calculation | Chaser

A business's net cash flow (NCF) is an indicator of its financial health over a specific period of time....

What does remit payment mean in B2B invoice payments? | Chaser

What does remit payment mean in B2B invoice payments? | Chaser

Payment remittance is the process of transferring money from a payer to a payee or one person to another...

10 accounts receivables KPIs you should be tracking | Chaser

10 accounts receivables KPIs you should be tracking | Chaser

In an increasingly data-driven business landscape, tracking the right KPIs for your accounts receivable...


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